

  • 6
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 江苏省 常州 武进区 武进经济开发区 武进国家**产业开发区龙惠路36号
  • 姓名: 谭小平
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



          常州五牧称重设备有限公司专业致力于各类电子衡器的研发、生产、销售及校对与维修服务为一体的公司。拥有经验丰富的专业技术人员、现代化的开发技术和完善的生产、配套能力及管理能力。我司的高精度数字电子汽车衡具有精度高、稳定性好、抗干扰能力强,耐高温、防腐、防爆、 防作弊等特点。公司以高标准,高质量,高效率、生产的地磅、电子秤,缓冲秤在广大用户中树立了良好的口碑。同时,我司的小台秤、电子叉车秤等产品具有产量大、质量高、规格齐、价格优的特点、也深受国内外客户青睐。公司本着客户至上,服务**,以信誉求发展。以技术创新获得信任,以优异的品质获得长久发展,我们不但提供际准化的各类(OEM)衡器产品,而且还提供个性化的(ODM)自动化设备,以满足客户个性化需求。提高创新能力。不断开发新产品。
     About Us:
    Changzhou Five Herd Weighing Equipment Co.,ltd is a high-tech enterprise which located in Wujin New & High-tech Industrial Development District ,Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province,China With a convenient traffic. We are a leading domestic manufacturer of industrial and commercial scales and whole weighing scales system solutions provider.We provide service with state- of -the art truck scales to best support our customers’ measure needs.We create electronic scales that keeps technicians in the field.We manufactures the highest quality for animal scales ,buffer scales,axles,load cells,indicators,accessories and some other automation equipment.We supply a comprehensive range of professional application equipment across the world.
    Five Equipment is a powerful company with a strong product development and design of  technology in weighing scales and precision machining spare parts.We produce ODM and OEM products for customers .We offer a large selection of scales from Laboratory Balance’s to Floors Scales to Industrial Truck Scales that cover all weighing system. Our service include rental,installation,testing ,calibrating ,repairing & preventative maintenance.We strive to offer the best possible service and provide only quality products that will fit within any company budget . the company’s core competences are technical knowledge of industrial scales and applications . 
         Our purpose :“service first,quality first,value first”.Looking forward to cooperate with you and hope we have a brilliant future together.
    Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing form you.
    Our vision: To be the world leading supplier of industrial scales ,weighing equipment and measurement devices.
    Our mission: Being the customers’ first choice by satisfying customers needs ,manufacturing  and distributing competitive products
    Our values to :● focus on high-value,easy-to-use and accurate weighing solutions.
                 ● To providing quality scales and service to its customers that meet or exceed requirements and expectation.
    ● designing professional products based on technically advanced concepts

    经营范围 公司主要经营地磅,地磅厂家,电子汽车衡, 常州五牧称重设备有限公司专业致力于各类电子衡器的研发、生产、销售及校对与维修服务为一体的公司。拥有经验丰富的专业技术人员、现代化的开发技术和完善的生产、配套能力及管理能力。


    注册号 null 注册机构 常州市武进区行政审批局
    统一社会信用代码 91320412MA1Y7L9Q5R 组织机构代码 MA1Y7L9Q5
    注册资本 500**民币 营业期限 2019-04-11至2044-04-10
    经营状态 在业 公司类型 有限责任公司
    成立日期 2019-04-11 法人代表 谭春平
    公司地址 武进国家**产业开发区龙惠路36号
    经营范围 称重设备、工业自动化设备的设计、制造、销售、安装及维修;计算机软硬件、包装机械及配件、电子衡器及配件、机械零配件、仪器仪表、五金产品、机电产品、汽车零配件、一类医疗器械、电子产品、包装材料、装潢材料(除危险品)、印刷品(除出版物)销售;自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务,但国家限定企业经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
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